Hours : Mon To Fri - 10AM - 04PM, Sunday Closed

About Us

Welcome to Sun Shine higher Secondary School

Best Education Management Systems

Our school's mission is to teach leadership, the common core, and relationships for life. Our mission is to provide a safe, disciplined learning environment that empowers all students to develop their full potential. We feel strongly about helping to build leaders that have the ability to succeed in whatever endeavor they undertake. Winning is not always the measure of success. Our students understand the "Win, win" philosophy and use it in their daily life. Common standards keeps us focused on learning appropriate content and preparing our students to graduate. Last but just as importantly, setting examples for our students of meaningful and lasting relationships will go with them throughout their lifetime. Sunshine School aims to develop responsible citizens and leaders by providing an international education, rooted in its Indian heritage and values, for diverse group of students, especially from families in rural or semi urban areas. Students with excellent academic programs. Stimulating curriculum and a supportive environment. A private yet affordable elementary school.